4. Output

4.1. Output folder structure

All output is stored in the output folder as specified in the configurations-file (cfg-file) under [general].


By default, CoPro creates two sub-folders: _REF and _PROJ. In the latter, another sub-folder will be created per projection defined in the cfg-file. In the example below, this would be the folders /_PROJ/SSP1 and /_PROJ/SSP2.


4.2. List of output files


Not all model types provide the output mentioned below. If the ‘leave-one-out’ or ‘single variable’ model are selected, only the metrics are stored to a csv-file.

4.2.1. _REF

In addition to the output files listed below, the cfg-file is automatically copied to the _REF folder.

selected_polygons.shp: Shapefile containing all remaining polygons after selection procedure.

selected_conflicts.shp: Shapefile containing all remaining conflict points after selection procedure,

XY.npy: NumPy-array containing geometry, ID, and scaled data of sample (X) and target data (Y). Can be provided in cfg-file to safe time in next run; file can be loaded with numpy.load().

raw_output_data.npy: NumPy-array containing each single prediction made in the reference run. Will contain multiple predictions per polygon. File can be loaded with numpy.load().

evaluation_metrics.csv: Various evaluation metrics determined per repetition of the split-sample tests. File can e.g. be loaded with pandas.read_csv().

feature_importance.csv: Importance of each model variable in making projections. This is a property of RF Classifiers and thus only obtainable if RF Classifier is used.

permutation_importance.csv: Mean permutation importance per model variable. Computed with sklearn.inspection.permutation_importance.

ROC_data_tprs.csv and ROC_data_aucs.csv: False-positive rates respectively Area-under-curve values per repetition of the split-sample test. Files can e.g. be loaded with pandas.read_csv() and can be used to later plot ROC-curve.

output_for_REF.geojson: GeoJSON-file containing resulting conflict risk estimates per polygon based on out-of-sample projections of _REF run. Conflict risk per polygon

At the end of all model repetitions, the resulting raw_output_data.npy file contains multiple out-of-sample predictions per polygon. By aggregating results per polygon, it is possible to assess model output spatially as stored in output_for_REF.geojson.

The main output metrics are calculated per polygon and saved to output_per_polygon.shp:

  1. nr_predictions: the number of predictions made;

  2. nr_correct_predictions: the number of correct predictions made;

  3. nr_observed_conflicts: the number of observed conflict events;

  4. nr_predicted_conflicts: the number of predicted conflicts;

  5. min_prob_1: minimum probability of conflict in all repetitions;

  6. probability_of_conflict (POC): probability of conflict averaged over all repetitions;

  7. max_prob_1: maximum probability of conflict in all repetitions;

  8. fraction_correct_predictions (FOP): ratio of the number of correct predictions over the total number of predictions made;

  9. chance_of_conflict: ratio of the number of conflict predictions over the total number of predictions made.

4.2.2. _PROJ

Per projection, CoPro creates one output file per projection year.

output_in_<YEAR>: GeoJSON-file containing model output per polygon averaged over all classifier instances per YEAR of the projection. The number of instances is set with n_runs in [machine_learning] section. Conflict risk per polygon

During the projection run, each classifier instances produces its own output per YEAR. CoPro merges these outputs into one output_in_<YEAR>.geojson file.

As there are no observations available for the projection period, the output metrics differ from the reference run:

  1. nr_predictions: the number of predictions made, ie. number of classifier instances;

  2. nr_predicted_conflicts: the number of predicted conflicts.

  3. min_prob_1: minimum probability of conflict in all outputs of classifier instances.

  4. probability_of_conflict (POC): probability of conflict averaged over all outputs of classifier instances.

  5. max_prob_1: maximum probability of conflict in all outputs of classifier instances;

  6. chance_of_conflict: ratio of the number of conflict predictions over the total number of predictions made.