5. Postprocessing

There are several command line scripts available for post-processing. In addition to quick plots to evaluate model output, they also produce files for use in bespoke plotting and analysis scripts.

The scripts are located under /copro/scripts/postprocessing.

The here shown help print-outs can always be accessed with

python <SCRIPT_FILE_NAME> --help

5.1. plot_value_over_time.py

Usage: python plot_value_over_time.py [OPTIONS] INPUT_DIR OUTPUT_DIR

    Quick and dirty function to plot the develoment of a column in the
    outputted geoJSON-files over time. The script uses all geoJSON-files
    located in input-dir and retrieves values from them. Possible to plot
    obtain development for multiple polygons (indicated via their ID) or
    entire study area. If the latter, then different statistics can be chosen
    (mean, max, min, std).

        input-dir (str): path to input directory with geoJSON-files located per projection year.
        output-dir (str): path to directory where output will be stored.

        a csv-file containing values per time step.
        a png-file showing development over time.

        -id, --polygon-id TEXT
        -s, --statistics TEXT     which statistical method to use (mean, max, min,
                                    std). note: has only effect if with "-id all"!

        -c, --column TEXT         column name
        -t, --title TEXT          title for plot and file_object name
        --verbose / --no-verbose  verbose on/off

5.2. avg_over_time.py


    Post-processing script to calculate average model output over a user-
    specifeid period or all output geoJSON-files stored in input-dir.
    Computed average values can be outputted as geoJSON-file or png-file or both.

        input_dir: path to input directory with geoJSON-files located per projection year.
        output_dir (str): path to directory where output will be stored.
        selected_polygons (str): path to a shp-file with all polygons used in a CoPro run.

        geoJSON-file with average column value per polygon (if geojson is set).
        png-file with plot of average column value per polygon (if png is set)

        -t0, --start-year INTEGER
        -t1, --end-year INTEGER
        -c, --column TEXT          column name
        --geojson / --no-geojson   save output to geojson or not
        --png / --no-png           save output to png or not
        --verbose / --no-verbose   verbose on/off

5.3. plot_polygon_vals.py

Usage: python plot_polygon_vals.py [OPTIONS] FILE_OBJECT OUTPUT_DIR

    Quick and dirty function to plot the column values of a geojson file with
    minimum user input, and save plot. Mainly used for quick inspection of
    model output in specific years.

        file-object (str): path to geoJSON-file whose values are to be plotted.
        output-dir (str): path to directory where plot will be saved.

        a png-file of values per polygon.

        -c, --column TEXT           column name
        -t, --title TEXT            title for plot and file_object name
        -v0, --minimum-value FLOAT
        -v1, --maximum-value FLOAT
        -cmap, --color-map TEXT

5.4. geojson2gif.py

Usage: python geojson2gif.py [OPTIONS] INPUT_DIR OUTPUT_DIR

    Function to convert column values of all geoJSON-files in a directory into
    one GIF-file. The function provides several options to modify the design
    of the GIF-file. The GIF-file is based on png-files of column value per
    geoJSON-file.  It is possible to keep these png-file as simple plots of
    values per time step.

    input-dir (str): path to directory where geoJSON-files are stored.
    output_dir (str): path to directory where GIF-file will be stored.

    GIF-file with animated column values per input geoJSON-file.

    -c, --column TEXT           column name
    -cmap, --color-map TEXT
    -v0, --minimum-value FLOAT
    -v1, --maximum-value FLOAT
    --delete / --no-delete      whether or not to delete png-files