Source code for copro.conflict

from copro import data, utils
import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import os, sys
import click

[docs]def conflict_in_year_bool(config, conflict_gdf, extent_gdf, sim_year, out_dir): """Creates a list for each timestep with boolean information whether a conflict took place in a polygon or not. Args: config (ConfigParser-object): object containing the parsed configuration-settings of the model. conflict_gdf (geodataframe): geo-dataframe containing georeferenced information of conflict (tested with PRIO/UCDP data). extent_gdf (geodataframe): geo-dataframe containing one or more polygons with geometry information for which values are extracted. sim_year (int): year for which data is extracted. out_dir (str): path to output folder. If 'None', no output is stored. Raises: AssertionError: raised if the length of output list does not match length of input geo-dataframe. Returns: list: list containing 0/1 per polygon depending on conflict occurence. """ if config.getboolean('general', 'verbose'): print('DEBUG: checking for conflict event in polygon at t') # select the entries which occured in this year temp_sel_year = conflict_gdf.loc[conflict_gdf.year == sim_year] if len(temp_sel_year) == 0: click.echo('WARNING: no conflicts were found in sampled conflict data set for year {}'.format(sim_year)) # merge the dataframes with polygons and conflict information, creating a sub-set of polygons/regions data_merged = gpd.sjoin(temp_sel_year, extent_gdf) # determine the aggregated amount of fatalities in one region (e.g. water province) fatalities_per_poly = data_merged['best'].groupby(data_merged['watprovID']).sum().to_frame().rename(columns={"best": 'total_fatalities'}) out_dir = os.path.join(out_dir, 'files') if not os.path.isdir(out_dir): os.makedirs(out_dir) if sim_year == config.getint('settings', 'y_end'): # get a 1 for each polygon where there was conflict bool_per_poly = fatalities_per_poly / fatalities_per_poly # change column name and dtype bool_per_poly = bool_per_poly.rename(columns={"total_fatalities": 'bool_conflict'}).astype(int) # change index name to fit global_df bool_per_poly.index = bool_per_poly.index.rename('ID') # get list of all polygon IDs with their geometry information global_df = utils.global_ID_geom_info(extent_gdf) # merge the boolean info with geometry # for all polygons without conflict, set a 0 if config.getboolean('general', 'verbose'): print('DEBUG: storing boolean conflict map of year {} to file {}'.format(sim_year, os.path.join(out_dir, 'conflicts_in_{}.csv'.format(sim_year)))) # data_stored = pd.merge(bool_per_poly, global_df, on='ID', how='right').fillna(0) data_stored = pd.merge(bool_per_poly, global_df, on='ID', how='right').dropna() data_stored.index = data_stored.index.rename('watprovID') data_stored = data_stored.drop('geometry', axis=1) data_stored = data_stored.astype(int) data_stored.to_csv(os.path.join(out_dir, 'conflicts_in_{}.csv'.format(sim_year))) # loop through all regions and check if exists in sub-set # if so, this means that there was conflict and thus assign value 1 list_out = [] for i in range(len(extent_gdf)): i_poly = extent_gdf.iloc[i]['watprovID'] if i_poly in fatalities_per_poly.index.values: list_out.append(1) else: list_out.append(0) assert (len(extent_gdf) == len(list_out)), AssertionError('ERROR: the dataframe with polygons has a lenght {0} while the lenght of the resulting list is {1}'.format(len(extent_gdf), len(list_out))) return list_out
[docs]def conflict_in_previous_year(config, conflict_gdf, extent_gdf, sim_year, check_neighbors=False, neighboring_matrix=None): """Creates a list for each timestep with boolean information whether a conflict took place in a polygon at the previous timestep or not. If the current time step is the first (t=0), then this year is skipped and the model continues at the next time step. Args: config (ConfigParser-object): object containing the parsed configuration-settings of the model. conflict_gdf (geodataframe): geo-dataframe containing georeferenced information of conflict (tested with PRIO/UCDP data). extent_gdf (geodataframe): geo-dataframe containing one or more polygons with geometry information for which values are extracted. sim_year (int): year for which data is extracted. check_neighbors (bool): whether to check conflict events in neighboring polygons. Defaults to False. neighboring_matrix (dataframe): lookup-dataframe indicating which polygons are mutual neighbors. Defaults to None. Raises: ValueError: raised if check_neighbors is True, but no matrix is provided. AssertionError: raised if the length of output list does not match length of input geo-dataframe. Returns: list: list containing 0/1 per polygon depending on conflict occurence if checkinf for conflict at t-1, and containing log-transformed number of conflict events in neighboring polygons if specified. """ if config.getboolean('general', 'verbose'): if check_neighbors: print('DEBUG: checking for conflicts in neighboring polygons at t-1') else: print('DEBUG: checking for conflict event in polygon at t-1') # get conflicts at t-1 temp_sel_year = conflict_gdf.loc[conflict_gdf.year == sim_year-1] assert (len(temp_sel_year) != 0), AssertionError('ERROR: no conflicts were found in sampled conflict data set for year {}'.format(sim_year-1)) # merge the dataframes with polygons and conflict information, creating a sub-set of polygons/regions data_merged = gpd.sjoin(temp_sel_year, extent_gdf) conflicts_per_poly =['watprovID']).count().to_frame().rename(columns={"id": 'conflict_count'}) # loop through all polygons and check if exists in sub-set list_out = [] for i in range(len(extent_gdf)): i_poly = extent_gdf.watprovID.iloc[i] if i_poly in conflicts_per_poly.index.values: if check_neighbors: # determine log-scaled number of conflict events in neighboring polygons val = calc_conflicts_nb(i_poly, neighboring_matrix, conflicts_per_poly) # append resulting value list_out.append(val) else: list_out.append(1) else: # if polygon not in list with conflict polygons, assign 0 list_out.append(0) assert (len(extent_gdf) == len(list_out)), AssertionError('ERROR: the dataframe with polygons has a lenght {0} while the lenght of the resulting list is {1}'.format(len(extent_gdf), len(list_out))) return list_out
[docs]def read_projected_conflict(extent_gdf, bool_conflict, check_neighbors=False, neighboring_matrix=None): """Creates a list for each timestep with boolean information whether a conflict took place in a polygon or not. Input conflict data (bool_conflict) must contain an index with IDs corresponding with the 'watprovID' values of extent_gdf. Optionally, the algorithm can be extended to the neighboring polygons. Args: extent_gdf (geodataframe): geo-dataframe containing one or more polygons with geometry information for which values are extracted. bool_conflict (dataframe): dataframe with boolean values (1) for each polygon with conflict. check_neighbors (bool, optional): whether or not to check for conflict in neighboring polygons. Defaults to False. neighboring_matrix (dataframe, optional): look-up dataframe listing all neighboring polygons. Defaults to None. Returns: list: containing 1 and 0 values for each polygon with conflict respectively without conflict. If check_neighbors=True, then 1 if neighboring polygon contains conflict and 0 is not. """ # assert that there are actually conflicts reported assert (len(bool_conflict) != 0), AssertionError('ERROR: no conflicts were found in sampled conflict data set for year {}'.format(sim_year-1)) # loop through all polygons and check if exists in sub-set list_out = [] for i in range(len(extent_gdf)): i_poly = extent_gdf.watprovID.iloc[i] if i_poly in bool_conflict.index.values: if check_neighbors: # determine log-scaled number of conflict events in neighboring polygons val = calc_conflicts_nb(i_poly, neighboring_matrix, bool_conflict) # append resulting value list_out.append(val) else: list_out.append(1) else: # if polygon not in list with conflict polygons, assign 0 list_out.append(0) return list_out
[docs]def calc_conflicts_nb(i_poly, neighboring_matrix, conflicts_per_poly): """Determines whether in the neighbouring polygons of a polygon i_poly conflict took place. If so, a value 1 is returned, otherwise 0. Args: i_poly (int): ID number of polygon under consideration. neighboring_matrix (dataframe): look-up dataframe listing all neighboring polygons. conflicts_per_poly (dataframe): dataframe with conflict informatoin per polygon. Returns: int: 1 is conflict took place in neighboring polygon, 0 if not. """ # find neighbors of this polygon nb = data.find_neighbors(i_poly, neighboring_matrix) # initiate list nb_count = [] # loop through neighbors for k in nb: # check if there was conflict at t-1 if k in conflicts_per_poly.index.values: nb_count.append(1) # if more than one neighboring polygon has conflict, return 0 if np.sum(nb_count) > 0: val = 1 # otherwise, return 0 else: val = 0 return val
[docs]def get_poly_ID(extent_gdf): """Extracts and returns a list with unique identifiers for each polygon used in the model. The identifiers are currently limited to 'watprovID'. Args: extent_gdf (geo-dataframe): geo-dataframe containing one or more polygons. Raises: AssertionError: error raised if length of output list does not match length of input geo-dataframe. Returns: list: list containing a unique identifier extracted from geo-dataframe for each polygon used in the model. """ # initiatie empty list list_ID = [] # loop through all polygons for i in range(len(extent_gdf)): # append geometry of each polygon to list list_ID.append(extent_gdf.iloc[i]['watprovID']) # in the end, the same number of polygons should be in geodataframe and list assert (len(extent_gdf) == len(list_ID)), AssertionError('ERROR: the dataframe with polygons has a lenght {0} while the lenght of the resulting list is {1}'.format(len(extent_gdf), len(list_ID))) return list_ID
[docs]def get_poly_geometry(extent_gdf, config): """Extracts geometry information for each polygon from geodataframe and saves to list. The geometry column in geodataframe must be named 'geometry'. Args: extent_gdf (geo-dataframe): geo-dataframe containing one or more polygons with geometry information. config (ConfigParser-object): object containing the parsed configuration-settings of the model. Raises: AssertionError: error raised if length of output list does not match length of input geo-dataframe. Returns: list: list containing the geometry information extracted from geo-dataframe for each polygon used in the model. """ if config.getboolean('general', 'verbose'): print('DEBUG: getting the geometry of all geographical units') # initiatie empty list list_geometry = [] # loop through all polygons for i in range(len(extent_gdf)): # append geometry of each polygon to list list_geometry.append(extent_gdf.iloc[i]['geometry']) # in the end, the same number of polygons should be in geodataframe and list assert (len(extent_gdf) == len(list_geometry)), AssertionError('ERROR: the dataframe with polygons has a lenght {0} while the lenght of the resulting list is {1}'.format(len(extent_gdf), len(list_geometry))) return list_geometry
[docs]def split_conflict_geom_data(X): """Separates the unique identifier, geometry information, and data from the variable-containing X-array. Args: X (array): variable-containing X-array. Returns: arrays: seperate arrays with ID, geometry, and actual data """ # first column corresponds to ID, second to geometry # all remaining columns are actual data X_ID = X[:, 0] X_geom = X[:, 1] X_data = X[: , 2:] return X_ID, X_geom, X_data
[docs]def get_pred_conflict_geometry(X_test_ID, X_test_geom, y_test, y_pred, y_prob_0, y_prob_1): """Stacks together the arrays with unique identifier, geometry, test data, and predicted data into a dataframe. Contains therefore only the data points used in the test-sample, not in the training-sample. Additionally computes whether a correct prediction was made. Args: X_test_ID (list): list containing the unique identifier per data point. X_test_geom (list): list containing the geometry per data point. y_test (list): list containing test-data. y_pred (list): list containing predictions. Returns: dataframe: dataframe with each input list as column plus computed 'correct_pred'. """ # stack separate columns horizontally arr = np.column_stack((X_test_ID, X_test_geom, y_test, y_pred, y_prob_0, y_prob_1)) # convert array to dataframe df = pd.DataFrame(arr, columns=['ID', 'geometry', 'y_test', 'y_pred', 'y_prob_0', 'y_prob_1']) # compute whether a prediction is correct # if so, assign 1; otherwise, assign 0 df['correct_pred'] = np.where(df['y_test'] == df['y_pred'], 1, 0) return df