Source code for copro.pipeline

from copro import models, data, machine_learning, evaluation, utils
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import pickle
import click
import os

[docs]def create_XY(config, out_dir, root_dir, polygon_gdf, conflict_gdf): """Top-level function to create the X-array and Y-array. If the XY-data was pre-computed and specified in cfg-file, the data is loaded. If not, variable values and conflict data are read from file and stored in array. The resulting array is by default saved as npy-format to file. Args: config (ConfigParser-object): object containing the parsed configuration-settings of the model. out_dir (str): path to output folder. root_dir (str): path to location of cfg-file. polygon_gdf (geo-dataframe): geo-dataframe containing the selected polygons. conflict_gdf (geo-dataframe): geo-dataframe containing the selected conflicts. Returns: array: X-array containing variable values. array: Y-array containing conflict data. """ # if nothing is specified in cfg-file, then initiate and fill XY data from scratch if config.get('pre_calc', 'XY') is '': # initiate (empty) dictionary with all keys XY = data.initiate_XY_data(config) # fill the dictionary and get array XY = data.fill_XY(XY, config, root_dir, conflict_gdf, polygon_gdf, out_dir) # save array to XY.npy out_dir if config.getboolean('general', 'verbose'): click.echo('DEBUG: saving XY data by default to file {}'.format(os.path.join(out_dir, 'XY.npy'))),'XY'), XY) # if path to XY.npy is specified, read the data intead else: click.echo('INFO: loading XY data from file {}'.format(os.path.join(root_dir, config.get('pre_calc', 'XY')))) XY = np.load(os.path.join(root_dir, config.get('pre_calc', 'XY')), allow_pickle=True) # split the XY data into sample data X and target values Y X, Y = data.split_XY_data(XY, config) return X, Y
[docs]def prepare_ML(config): """Top-level function to instantiate the scaler and model as specified in model configurations. Args: config (ConfigParser-object): object containing the parsed configuration-settings of the model. Returns: scaler: the specified scaler instance. classifier: the specified model instance. """ scaler = machine_learning.define_scaling(config) clf = machine_learning.define_model(config) return scaler, clf
[docs]def run_reference(X, Y, config, scaler, clf, out_dir, run_nr): """Top-level function to run one of the four supported models. Args: X (array): X-array containing variable values. Y (array): Y-array containing conflict data. config (ConfigParser-object): object containing the parsed configuration-settings of the model. scaler (scaler): the specified scaler instance. clf (classifier): the specified model instance. out_dir (str): path to output folder. Raises: ValueError: raised if unsupported model is specified. Returns: dataframe: containing the test-data X-array values. datatrame: containing model output on polygon-basis. dict: dictionary containing evaluation metrics per simulation. """ # depending on selection, run corresponding model with data if config.getint('general', 'model') == 1: X_df, y_df, eval_dict = models.all_data(X, Y, config, scaler, clf, out_dir, run_nr) elif config.getint('general', 'model') == 2: X_df, y_df, eval_dict = models.leave_one_out(X, Y, config, scaler, clf, out_dir) elif config.getint('general', 'model') == 3: X_df, y_df, eval_dict = models.single_variables(X, Y, config, scaler, clf, out_dir) elif config.getint('general', 'model') == 4: X_df, y_df, eval_dict = models.dubbelsteen(X, Y, config, scaler, clf, out_dir) else: raise ValueError('the specified model type in the cfg-file is invalid - specify either 1, 2, 3 or 4.') return X_df, y_df, eval_dict
[docs]def run_prediction(scaler, main_dict, root_dir, selected_polygons_gdf): """Top-level function to execute the projections. Per specified projection, conflict is projected forwards in time per time step until the projection year is reached. Pear time step, the sample data and conflict data are read individually since different conflict projections are made per classifier used. At the end of each time step, the projections of all classifiers are combined and output metrics determined. Args: scaler (scaler): the specified scaler instance. main_dict (dict): dictionary containing config-objects and output directories for reference run and all projection runs. root_dir (str): path to location of cfg-file. selected_polygons_gdf (geo-dataframe): Raises: ValueError: raised if another model type than the one using all data is specified in cfg-file. Returns: dataframe: containing model output on polygon-basis. """ config_REF = main_dict['_REF'][0] out_dir_REF = main_dict['_REF'][1] clfs = machine_learning.load_clfs(config_REF, out_dir_REF) if config_REF.getint('general', 'model') != 1: raise ValueError('ERROR: making a prediction is only possible with model type 1, i.e. using all data') # initiate output dataframe all_y_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['ID', 'geometry', 'y_pred']) # going through each projection specified for (each_key, each_val) in config_REF.items('PROJ_files'): # get config-object and out-dir per projection click.echo('INFO: loading config-object for projection run: {}'.format(each_key)) config_PROJ = main_dict[str(each_key)][0][0] out_dir_PROJ = main_dict[str(each_key)][1] # aligning verbosity settings across config-objects config_PROJ.set('general', 'verbose', str(config_REF.getboolean('general', 'verbose'))) if config_REF.getboolean('general', 'verbose'): click.echo('DEBUG: storing output for this projections to folder {}'.format(out_dir_PROJ)) # if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(out_dir_PROJ, 'files')): # os.makedirs(os.path.join(out_dir_PROJ, 'files')) if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(out_dir_PROJ, 'clfs')): os.makedirs(os.path.join(out_dir_PROJ, 'clfs')) # get projection period for this projection # defined as all years starting from end of reference run until specified end of projections projection_period = utils.determine_projection_period(config_REF, config_PROJ) # for this projection, go through all years for i in range(len(projection_period)): proj_year = projection_period[i] click.echo('INFO: making projection for year {}'.format(proj_year)) X = data.initiate_X_data(config_PROJ) X = data.fill_X_sample(X, config_PROJ, root_dir, selected_polygons_gdf, proj_year) # for the first projection year, we need to fall back on the observed conflict at the last time step of the reference run if i == 0: if config_REF.getboolean('general', 'verbose'): click.echo('DEBUG: reading previous conflicts from file {}'.format(os.path.join(out_dir_REF, 'files', 'conflicts_in_{}.csv'.format(config_REF.getint('settings', 'y_end'))))) conflict_data = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(out_dir_REF, 'files', 'conflicts_in_{}.csv'.format(config_REF.getint('settings', 'y_end'))), index_col=0) if config_REF.getboolean('general', 'verbose'): click.echo('DEBUG: combining sample data with conflict data from previous year') X = data.fill_X_conflict(X, config_PROJ, conflict_data, selected_polygons_gdf) X = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(X).to_numpy() # initiating dataframe containing all projections from all classifiers for this timestep y_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['ID', 'geometry', 'y_pred']) # now load all classifiers created in the reference run for clf in clfs: # creating an individual output folder per classifier if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(os.path.join(out_dir_PROJ, 'clfs', str(clf).rsplit('.')[0]))): os.makedirs(os.path.join(out_dir_PROJ, 'clfs', str(clf).rsplit('.')[0])) # load the pickled objects # TODO: keep them in memory, i.e. after reading the clfs-folder above with open(os.path.join(out_dir_REF, 'clfs', clf), 'rb') as f: if config_REF.getboolean('general', 'verbose'): click.echo('DEBUG: loading classifier {} from {}'.format(clf, os.path.join(out_dir_REF, 'clfs'))) clf_obj = pickle.load(f) # for all other projection years than the first one, we need to read projected conflict from the previous projection year if i > 0: if config_REF.getboolean('general', 'verbose'): click.echo('DEBUG: reading previous conflicts from file {}'.format(os.path.join(out_dir_PROJ, 'clfs', str(clf), 'projection_for_{}.csv'.format(proj_year-1)))) conflict_data = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(out_dir_PROJ, 'clfs', str(clf).rsplit('.')[0], 'projection_for_{}.csv'.format(proj_year-1)), index_col=0) if config_REF.getboolean('general', 'verbose'): click.echo('DEBUG: combining sample data with conflict data for {}'.format(clf.rsplit('.')[0])) X = data.fill_X_conflict(X, config_PROJ, conflict_data, selected_polygons_gdf) X = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(X).to_numpy() X = pd.DataFrame(X) if config_REF.getboolean('general', 'verbose'): click.echo('DEBUG: number of data points including missing values: {}'.format(len(X))) X = X.fillna(0) # put all the data into the machine learning algo # here the data will be used to make projections with various classifiers # returns the prediction based on one individual classifier y_df_clf = models.predictive(X, clf_obj, scaler, config_PROJ) # storing the projection per clf to be used in the following timestep y_df_clf.to_csv(os.path.join(out_dir_PROJ, 'clfs', str(clf).rsplit('.')[0], 'projection_for_{}.csv'.format(proj_year))) # removing projection of previous time step as not needed anymore if i > 0: os.remove(os.path.join(out_dir_PROJ, 'clfs', str(clf).rsplit('.')[0], 'projection_for_{}.csv'.format(proj_year-1))) # append to all classifiers dataframe y_df = y_df.append(y_df_clf, ignore_index=True) # get look-up dataframe to assign geometry to polygons via unique ID global_df = utils.global_ID_geom_info(selected_polygons_gdf) if config_REF.getboolean('general', 'verbose'): click.echo('DEBUG: storing model output for year {} to output folder'.format(proj_year)) df_hit, gdf_hit = evaluation.polygon_model_accuracy(y_df, global_df, make_proj=True) # df_hit.to_csv(os.path.join(out_dir_PROJ, 'output_in_{}.csv'.format(proj_year))) gdf_hit.to_file(os.path.join(out_dir_PROJ, 'output_in_{}.geojson'.format(proj_year)), driver='GeoJSON') # create one major output dataframe containing all output for all projections with all classifiers all_y_df = all_y_df.append(y_df, ignore_index=True) return all_y_df