Source code for copro.variables

import xarray as xr
import rasterio as rio
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import rasterstats as rstats
import numpy as np
import os
import math
import click
from distutils import util

import warnings

[docs]def nc_with_float_timestamp(extent_gdf, config, root_dir, var_name, sim_year): """This function extracts a value from a netCDF-file (specified in the cfg-file) for each polygon specified in extent_gdf for a given year. In the cfg-file, it must also be specified whether the value is log-transformed or not, and which statistical method is applied. NOTE: The key in the cfg-file must be identical to variable name in netCDF-file. NOTE: This function is specifically written for netCDF-files where the time variable contains integer (year-)values, e.g. 1995, 1996, ... NOTE: Works only with nc-files with annual data. Args: extent_gdf (geodataframe): geo-dataframe containing one or more polygons with geometry information for which values are extracted. config (config): parsed configuration settings of run. root_dir (str): path to location of cfg-file. var_name (str): name of variable in nc-file, must also be the same under which path to nc-file is specified in cfg-file. sim_year (int): year for which data is extracted. Raises: ValueError: raised if not everything is specified in cfg-file. ValueError: raised if the extracted variable at a time step does not contain data. Returns: list: list containing statistical value per polygon, i.e. with same length as extent_gdf. """ # get the filename, True/False whether log-transform shall be applied, and statistical method from cfg-file as list data_fo = os.path.join(root_dir, config.get('general', 'input_dir'), config.get('data', var_name)).rsplit(',') # if not all of these three aspects are provided, raise error if len(data_fo) != 3: raise ValueError('ERROR: not all settings for input data set {} provided - it must contain of path, False/True, and statistical method'.format(os.path.join(root_dir, config.get('general', 'input_dir'), config.get('data', var_name)))) # if not, split the list into separate variables else: nc_fo = data_fo[0] ln_flag = bool(util.strtobool(data_fo[1])) stat_method = str(data_fo[2]) lag_time = 1 click.echo('INFO: applying {} year lag time'.format(lag_time)) sim_year = sim_year - lag_time if config.getboolean('general', 'verbose'): if ln_flag: click.echo('DEBUG: calculating log-transformed {0} {1} per aggregation unit from file {2} for year {3}'.format(stat_method, var_name, nc_fo, sim_year)) else: click.echo('DEBUG: calculating {0} {1} per aggregation unit from file {2} for year {3}'.format(stat_method, var_name, nc_fo, sim_year)) # open nc-file with xarray as dataset nc_ds = xr.open_dataset(nc_fo) # get xarray data-array for specified variable nc_var = nc_ds[var_name] if ln_flag: nc_var = np.log(nc_var) if config.getboolean('general', 'verbose'): click.echo('DEBUG: log-transform variable {}'.format(var_name)) # open nc-file with rasterio to get affine information affine = # get values from data-array for specified year nc_arr = nc_var.sel(time=sim_year) nc_arr_vals = nc_arr.values if nc_arr_vals.size == 0: raise ValueError('ERROR: the data was found for this year in the nc-file {}, check if all is correct'.format(nc_fo)) # initialize output list list_out = [] # loop through all polygons in geo-dataframe and compute statistics, then append to output file for i in range(len(extent_gdf)): # province i prov = extent_gdf.iloc[i] # compute zonal stats for this province # computes a value per polygon for all raster cells that are touched by polygon (all_touched=True) # if all_touched=False, only for raster cells with centre point in polygon are considered, but this is problematic for very small polygons zonal_stats = rstats.zonal_stats(prov.geometry, nc_arr_vals, affine=affine, stats=stat_method, all_touched=True) val = zonal_stats[0][stat_method] # # if specified, log-transform value if ln_flag: # works only if zonal stats is not None, i.e. if it's None it stays None if val != None: val_ln = np.log(val) else: click.echo('WARNING: a value of {} for ID {} was computed - no good!'.format(np.log(val+1), prov.watprovID)) # in case log-transformed value results in -inf, replace with None if val_ln == -math.inf: if config.getboolean('general', 'verbose'): click.echo('DEBUG: set -inf to {} for ID {}'.format(np.log(val+1), prov.watprovID)) val = np.log(val+1) else: val = val_ln # click.echo a warning if result is None if (val == None) and (config.getboolean('general', 'verbose')): click.echo('WARNING: NaN computed!') list_out.append(val) assert len(extent_gdf) == len(list_out), AssertionError('ERROR: lengths do not match!') return list_out
[docs]def nc_with_continous_datetime_timestamp(extent_gdf, config, root_dir, var_name, sim_year): """This function extracts a value from a netCDF-file (specified in the cfg-file) for each polygon specified in extent_gdf for a given year. In the cfg-file, it must also be specified whether the value is log-transformed or not, and which statistical method is applied. NOTE: The key in the cfg-file must be identical to variable name in netCDF-file. NOTE: Works only with nc-files with annual data. Args: extent_gdf (geodataframe): geo-dataframe containing one or more polygons with geometry information for which values are extracted config (config): parsed configuration settings of run. root_dir (str): path to location of cfg-file. var_name (str): name of variable in nc-file, must also be the same under which path to nc-file is specified in cfg-file. sim_year (int): year for which data is extracted. Raises: ValueError: raised if not everything is specified in cfg-file. ValueError: raised if specfied year cannot be found in years in nc-file. ValueError: raised if the extracted variable at a time step does not contain data. Returns: list: list containing statistical value per polygon, i.e. with same length as extent_gdf. """ # get the filename, True/False whether log-transform shall be applied, and statistical method from cfg-file as list data_fo = os.path.join(root_dir, config.get('general', 'input_dir'), config.get('data', var_name)).rsplit(',') # if not all of these three aspects are provided, raise error if len(data_fo) != 3: raise ValueError('ERROR: not all settings for input data set {} provided - it must contain of path, False/True, and statistical method'.format(os.path.join(root_dir, config.get('general', 'input_dir'), config.get('data', var_name)))) # if not, split the list into separate variables else: nc_fo = data_fo[0] ln_flag = bool(util.strtobool(data_fo[1])) stat_method = str(data_fo[2]) lag_time = 1 if config.getboolean('general', 'verbose'): click.echo('DEBUG: applying {} year lag time for variable {}'.format(lag_time, var_name)) sim_year = sim_year - lag_time if config.getboolean('general', 'verbose'): if ln_flag: click.echo('DEBUG: calculating log-transformed {0} {1} per aggregation unit from file {2} for year {3}'.format(stat_method, var_name, nc_fo, sim_year)) else: click.echo('DEBUG: calculating {0} {1} per aggregation unit from file {2} for year {3}'.format(stat_method, var_name, nc_fo, sim_year)) # open nc-file with xarray as dataset nc_ds = xr.open_dataset(nc_fo) # get xarray data-array for specified variable nc_var = nc_ds[var_name] # get years contained in nc-file as integer array to be compatible with sim_year years = pd.to_datetime(nc_ds.time.values).to_period(freq='Y').strftime('%Y').to_numpy(dtype=int) if sim_year not in years: click.echo('WARNING: the simulation year {0} can not be found in file {1}'.format(sim_year, nc_fo)) click.echo('WARNING: using the next following year instead (yes that is an ugly solution...)') sim_year = sim_year + 1 # raise ValueError('ERROR: the simulation year {0} can not be found in file {1}'.format(sim_year, nc_fo)) # get index which corresponds with sim_year in years in nc-file sim_year_idx = int(np.where(years == sim_year)[0]) # get values from data-array for specified year based on index nc_arr = nc_var.sel(time=nc_ds.time.values[sim_year_idx]) nc_arr_vals = nc_arr.values if nc_arr_vals.size == 0: raise ValueError('ERROR: no data was found for this year in the nc-file {}, check if all is correct'.format(nc_fo)) # open nc-file with rasterio to get affine information affine = # initialize output list list_out = [] # loop through all polygons in geo-dataframe and compute statistics, then append to output file for i in range(len(extent_gdf)): # province i prov = extent_gdf.iloc[i] # compute zonal stats for this province # computes a value per polygon for all raster cells that are touched by polygon (all_touched=True) # if all_touched=False, only for raster cells with centre point in polygon are considered, but this is problematic for very small polygons zonal_stats = rstats.zonal_stats(prov.geometry, nc_arr_vals, affine=affine, stats=stat_method, all_touched=True) val = zonal_stats[0][stat_method] # # if specified, log-transform value if ln_flag: # works only if zonal stats is not None, i.e. if it's None it stays None if val != None: val_ln = np.log(val) else: click.echo('WARNING: a value of {} for ID {} was computed - no good!'.format(np.log(val+1), prov.watprovID)) # in case log-transformed value results in -inf, replace with None if val_ln == -math.inf: if config.getboolean('general', 'verbose'): click.echo('DEBUG: set -inf to {} for ID {}'.format(np.log(val+1), prov.watprovID)) val = np.log(val+1) else: val = val_ln # print a warning if result is None if (val == None) or (val == np.nan) and (config.getboolean('general', 'verbose')): click.echo('WARNING: {} computed for ID {}!'.format(val, prov.watprovID)) list_out.append(val) assert len(extent_gdf) == len(list_out), AssertionError('ERROR: lengths do not match!') return list_out