3.5. copro.selection.climate_zoning

copro.selection.climate_zoning(gdf, extent_gdf, config, root_dir)[source]

This function allows for selecting only those conflicts and polygons falling in specified climate zones. Also, a global dataframe is returned containing the IDs and geometry of all polygons after selection procedure. This can be used to add geometry information to model output based on common ID.

  • gdf (geo-dataframe) – geo-dataframe containing conflict data.

  • extent_gdf (geo-dataframe) – all polygons of study area.

  • config (ConfigParser-object) – object containing the parsed configuration-settings of the model.

  • root_dir (str) – path to location of cfg-file.


conflict data clipped to climate zones. geo-dataframe: polygons of study area clipped to climate zones.

Return type
